Downward Facing Dog At The Wall (Adho Mukha Svanasana At The Wall)

This pose is a modification of full downward facing dog. Using the wall encourages an understanding of how to set the hands, ground the feet, neutralize the pelvis and activate the core without bearing the full weight of the body. It is great to have a partner to give you feedback in this pose for the first few practices. A partner will be able to see the angles of the hips, the height of the hands and the position of the pelvis, giving you feedback to make adjustments where they are needed. After a few practices you will be able to feel for these alignments on your own.

Stand quite closely facing a wall.

Bring the hands to the height of the hips, touching the fingertips to the wall.

Step back from the wall, bringing the hipsto a 90 degree angle. Bring the ankles directly underneath the
hips. Bring the arms in line with the side body, making sure the hands are should width apart and eve IMG_20150807_093215309.jpgn with each other. Bring the neck in line with the rest of the spine; neither releasing or lifting the chin.

For the next several ujjayi breaths ground through the inner edge of the hands. Set the feet, pressing through the center of the heel to further activate the core. RELAX the facial muscles and feel the integration of all three foundations in this pose: the hands, the feet and the core.